Artificial intelligence and the development of other technologies

There’s no denying that artificial intelligence is changing a ton of things on how we understand and interact with the world. It’s hard to imagine how the world as we know it now would exist without these AI helping us make a lot of things easier.

Cars, capable of parking by themselves; watches that tell you how unhealthy you’re living - are just some of the things; which makes an AI an indispensable human companion that makes things more convenient to a lot of people.

With AI continuing to improve, where do we go from here?

Experts are trying to mimic many of human’s innate abilities that make us unique. At the same time, they were able to come up with something close to how we humans do things naturally like how we do most of our thing. They come up with artificial intelligence or AI.

With these, experts categorized AI into three. They try to come up with three different systems. These are:

  • Systems that act like humans

The word implies what they do; they try to mimic everything we do. They walk like us, move almost like us and perform simple repetitive tasks, just like us. Their drawback is they are not as flexible as we want them to be.

They have very limited movement, but they can do most jobs that don’t need high-level dexterity.

  • Systems that think rationally

These machines are at some point trying to use logic and think as humanly as possible. They are programmed to perceive, reason, and act as humans do.

They do not necessarily try to duplicate everything, as a human does, but these systems emulate humans to act in a certain way if they are in a specific environment.

  • Systems that act rationally

As challenging it might sound, we are already entertaining the idea of having an artificially created being that rationally emulates human behavior.

This highly sophisticated and intelligent system makes conclusions if exposed to certain environmental conditions. It is impressive in the way - it tries to be rational with its decisions.

Oftentimes movies paved the way for innovations

Sometimes, movies tend to exaggerate a lot of things, but oftentimes, these exaggerations are what makes these innovations become a reality. If I’m not mistaken, when I was a bit younger, I saw a James Bond movie which allows a car to float on water.

Now, we are playing with the idea and are making cars that run above water. Tons of video shows how people can be a little outrageous with their creativity that they are willing to try something, which was considered before as stuff of make-believe.

I was so impressed with Tom Cruise on Minority report; in the film, Tom Cruise was doing movements with his hands as he was scanning for things that would aid him in his investigations. A couple of years after, some of us were doing almost the same thing Tom Cruise was doing. It’s just a matter of time before it becomes the norm.

If you think of it, things like insect robots and autonomous cars are all in development today. Just a little while later from now; it’s going to be the standard, and things we perceive as very hi-tech today could become obsolete and would be the stuff of legends.

This guy from India saw something, and he was asking, what’s next?

What’s the next information medium?

Pranav Mistry asked his audience on his short talk at IAA Congress in 2019. But let me take you a small step back further. It was in 2009, Pranav Mistry had the world on its heels when he introduced his Sixth Sense Technology at a TED talk session.

His ideas were mind-blowing in gigantic proportions. While he was demonstrating how something in the virtual world happens simultaneously in the real world had kept me watching his videos, again and again for months made me say to myself, this guy isn’t human.

And then last night, while I’m doing my usual stuff. I stumbled again on Pranav Mistry, but only this time, it was the International Advertising Association World Congress of 2019, and his swag hasn’t changed a bit.

His hashtag #Dowhatyoucan’t made me keep watching his videos. He showed a video of an ostrich who accidentally wore a pair of VR glasses which ultimately led the ostrich to fly. And then he had his hashtag flashing on his screen.

Oftentimes movies paved the way for innovations

A few years from now, other technologies will be developed, they will evolve into a much more exciting version of what we’re seeing now, and what we thought could be the pinnacle of what technology has stored for us would become an old piece of tech which will become topic of stories we’ll tell our grandchildren.

It’s hard to imagine that someday, a new tech would emerge out of the blue, independent of AI. Most of the technologies we have now somehow work hand in hand with AI or are a much better version of the previous AI; that it uses.

But despite all these achievements, all the improvements that you see in almost all areas of life, the focus of these things is how to make a person, a human being, a much better version of himself.

Elon Musk’s Space X tries its best to send tourists to tour space, and he’s contemplating a lot of establishing a livable colony on some red planet that is light-years away from Earth. I know it’s just a matter of time when others would also follow suit in joining Elon on their race on the edge of the known Universe.

Kids nowadays are proficient with most gadgets which a couple of years back would entail only an expert to use it. We can only imagine what’s the next generation of youngsters we’ll be having and how they would fare with us old techies trying our very best to stay updated despite our failing eye sights and hearings.

How about you, could you tell us what you think of what’s going to happen next. I’m sure you’ve got tons of wonderful ideas, which are quite interesting, and would be worthy of a TED talk.