War history: from World War II to the war in Ukraine.. International Day of Living Together in Peace

Today we recall the World Wars: World War II, Chechnya, Palestine, Syria, the war in Ukraine...

Dedicating to the International Day of Living Together in Peace, let us remember and reflect on the pain the war brings. Pain and suffering of our ancestors, agony of our contemporaries now, at this particular moment. Armed conflicts took and are taking millions of lives. Even when they are over – the ground contains millions of mines and unexploded ordnances. 26000 victims annually – the price of such a “buried aftermath.” Let’s take a moment to pay tribute to our Army, Police, Doctors, Firefighters – they each have their roles, but the overall goal is to protect your life and wellbeing. Let’s honor demining teams!

Danish Demining Group, HALO Trust, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining – you save somebody’s life daily, sometimes sacrificing yours.

The task of each and every one of us is to contribute to maintaining peace on the planet. LeoTronics saw its role and opportunity to support the peace in establishing lightweight, low-cost demining robots. And what is your role in the preservation of peace? What does your “no to war" look like?