Service robots: their types and nature of use

The nature of a service robot's use often dictates its classification. For example, social robots can be used for non-commercial purposes as social helpers at home and commercial ones, such as caretaking in nursing homes or hospitals. The same robot can move goods in a warehouse and perform everyday household tasks. So, it turns out that this doesn't matter much when classifying them because they will still behave similarly otherwise. Often, there isn’t anything differentiating one type from another other than what task may need doing with said particular kind!

The main difference between professional service robots and consumer ones is their purposes. Professional service robots are a type of robot used in a professional setting outside of the traditional factory floor environment. They, like industrial robots, are frequently used in hazardous, strenuous, menial, or repetitive tasks where automation technology outperforms manual labor. Many different service robots can also be used in our everyday lives, such as cleaning machines for public places or delivery vehicles.

Consumer robots are designed to provide services easily set up and operated by non-professionals. Some examples include household cleaning bots, robotics mowers, automated wheelchairs for people who cannot move around on their own yet, social interaction devices that interact and communicate with people!

In addition to these practical applications, there is also a growing field with robotic devices designed specifically for medical purposes. They take over tasks from humans remotely - making them arguably more similar than different! One example would have been surgical robots. They remotely manually operated while lacking autonomy but still qualified under this category due to their use at hospitals where nothing else could work onsite without too much risk involved during delicate surgeries. This area is one of the most promising in our time.

The benefit of robotic assistants for people with disabilities is that they can provide support only when needed. It means the device will be able to navigate you around a room or facility, but it won't take any actions on behalf of yourself- such as opening doors and picking up items off shelves! The downside? These types don’t always perform perfectly yet, even though we want them to. But every year these technologies become more and more perfect. Robots can enhance the lives of people with disabilities shortly.

Excluded applications for service robots

Is your business using the latest in robotics? There are many applications for it and technologies that go beyond our activities. For instance:

  1. The use of robotics for military purposes is not covered in World Robotics and IFR statistics for some reasons. The capability to injure or kill human beings has been a significant concern. The development of robotic systems that can be used for peaceful and security activities is our focus, not the military robots.
  2. Passengers' transportation in self-driving cars is an essential topic for the future. Autonomous navigation technologies are also used in robotics, mainly outdoor delivery robots on public transport routes where challenges similar to those faced by autonomous vehicles exist. Still, with one key difference - there's no driver this time around! However, our company sees autonomous passenger transport as part of the automotive industry.